Yeah, I did.
I called her this afternoon, after I got home from work (to check on my Dad, and, well, you know...). It turns out she picked up the nasty flu: Fever, chills, scratchy throat, snot everywhere, sensitive eyes, she sounds like Grover.
I gave her all the advice she usually gives me, including her favorite (and one that often kept me home from meetings in my youth), "Stay out of the night air for a few weeks..."
To which she responded, "but I have to go out tonight." (And then I remembered...well, I already knew, she knew I knew...It's a game we play.)
And I said she could kill someone. "Mom, every frail, feeble old person is going to be there, you could give them the flu and they could die from it. Thousands of elderly people die from the flu every year. You cannot go." Then I reminded her of the story of someone we know who went to visit his elderly father while he had the flu. Infected his dad and it killed the dad...
"But it's the memorial..." She says, with this air of awe (and shock, at the notion that she could miss it...and that missing it would be the right thing to do).
"But you know you have a fever and are infectious. If you go, it would be immoral and unethical..."
Then I got my dad on the phone again and suggested to him that he have a chat with her too. He agreed about the whole thing and said he would talk with her.
Ah, man, if this apostate daughter could keep her mom from going to just one memorial....
Hag semeach. (I'm off sedering myself...)